So much to share! First, a New Single, Auguste D!

Hello Friends, Family and Pink Tennis Shoes Fans!

I’m sorry for my long absence! There is so much to tell, but I don’t want to overwhelm you, so I will start with the most current happenings…

First, I have a released a NEW SINGLE!!! “Auguste D” is my 4th project with Chicago Playwright, LG Taylor as the Lyricist and James Stonehouse as the Composer. Auguste D was the first person proven, through autopsy, to have had what we know today as Alzheimer’s Disease. The simply vulnerable lyrics, penned by LG Taylor, the beautiful and powerfully emotional orchestration by James Stonehouse and the honest and tender vocals by Amy Susan Heard give the listener a glimpse into the mind of the Alzheimer’s patient. There is a very moving musical interlude about half way through the song that you don’t want to miss, so please take the time to listen to the whole creation in its entirety.

“Auguste D” is available for download at iTunes, Amazon, Apple and many others! Please download it for just 99 cents here! And share it with everyone! 🙂

If you could help us get this song out there to the masses, especially those whose lives have been or are being affected by this cruel disease, we would be so grateful! I have personally watched two loved ones, my grandpa and my godfather, Uncle Chuck, wrestle with and eventually give their lives over to this all-consuming disease and it broke my heart. I watched them go from wise, independent and fun-loving to scared and paranoid, to angry, to having the mind of a child, to forgetting how to eat and I watched them waste away to almost nothing. Alzheimer’s is a horrendously unforgiving disease and we are trying to do our part to bring awareness and shed some light on it so that there may someday be a cure or preventative measures to keep this disease from taking more and more lives. September was Alzheimer’s Awareness month, so let’s keep the light shining!

Download for just 99 cents on iTunes. Listen on YouTube.

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